A golang port of the venerable httpbin.org HTTP request & response testing service.
This page./absolute-redirect/:n
302 Absolute redirects n times./anything/:anything
Returns anything that is passed to request./base64/:value?content-type=ct
Decodes a Base64-encoded string, with optional Content-Type./base64/decode/:value?content-type=ct
Explicit URL for decoding a Base64 encoded string./base64/encode/:value
Encodes a string into URL-safe Base64./basic-auth/:user/:password
Challenges HTTPBasic Auth./bearer
Checks Bearer token header - returns 401 if not set./brotli
Returns brotli-encoded data. Not implemented!/bytes/:n
Generates n random bytes of binary data, accepts optional seed integer parameter./cache
Returns 200 unless an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header is provided, when it returns a 304./cache/:n
Sets a Cache-Control header for n seconds./cookies
Returns cookie data./cookies/delete?name
Deletes one or more simple cookies./cookies/set?name=value
Sets one or more simple cookies./deflate
Returns deflate-encoded data./delay/:n
Delays responding for min(n, 10) seconds./delete
Returns request data. Allows only DELETE
Denied by robots.txt file./digest-auth/:qop/:user/:password
Challenges HTTP Digest Auth using default MD5 algorithm/digest-auth/:qop/:user/:password/:algorithm
Challenges HTTP Digest Auth using specified algorithm (MD5 or SHA-256)/drip?numbytes=n&duration=s&delay=s&code=code
Drips data over the given duration after an optional initial delay, simulating a slow HTTP server./dump/request
Returns the given request in its HTTP/1.x wire approximate representation./encoding/utf8
Returns page containing UTF-8 data./env
Returns all environment variables named with HTTPBIN_ENV_
Assumes the resource has the given etag and responds to If-None-Match header with a 200 or 304 and If-Match with a 200 or 412 as appropriate./forms/post
HTML form that submits to /post/get
Returns GET data./gzip
Returns gzip-encoded data./head
Returns response headers. Allows only HEAD
Returns request header dict./hidden-basic-auth/:user/:password
404'd BasicAuth./html
Renders an HTML Page./hostname
Returns the name of the host serving the request./image
Returns page containing an image based on sent Accept header./image/jpeg
Returns a JPEG image./image/png
Returns a PNG image./image/svg
Returns a SVG image./image/webp
Returns a WEBP image./ip
Returns Origin IP./json
Returns JSON./links/:n
Returns page containing n HTML links./patch
Returns request data. Allows only PATCH
Returns request data. Allows only POST
Returns request data. Allows only PUT
Streams n bytes, and allows specifying a Range header to select a subset of the data. Accepts a chunk_size and request duration parameter./redirect-to?url=foo&status_code=307
307 Redirects to the foo URL./redirect-to?url=foo
302 Redirects to the foo URL./redirect/:n
302 Redirects n times./relative-redirect/:n
302 Relative redirects n times./response-headers?key=val
Returns given response headers./robots.txt
Returns some robots.txt rules./sse?delay=1s&duration=5s&count=10
a stream of server-sent events./status/:code
Returns given HTTP Status code./stream-bytes/:n
Streams n random bytes of binary data, accepts optional seed and chunk_size integer parameters./stream/:n
Streams min(n, 100) lines./trailers?key=val
Returns JSON response with query params added as HTTP Trailers./unstable
Fails half the time, accepts optional failure_rate float and seed integer parameters./user-agent
Returns user-agent./uuid
Generates a UUIDv4 value./websocket/echo?max_fragment_size=2048&max_message_size=10240
A WebSocket echo service./xml
Returns some XMLTesting an HTTP Library can become difficult sometimes. RequestBin is fantastic for testing POST requests, but doesn't let you control the response. This exists to cover all kinds of HTTP scenarios. Additional endpoints are being considered.
All endpoint responses are JSON-encoded.
"args": {
"foo": [
"headers": {
"Accept": [
"Host": [
"User-Agent": [
"origin": ",",
"url": "https://httpbingo.org/get?foo=bar"
GET /dump/request?foo=bar HTTP/1.1
Host: httpbingo.org
Accept: */*
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
HTTP/1.1 418 I'm a teapot
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-More-Info: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2021 13:12:37 GMT
Content-Length: 0
Ported to Go by Will McCutchen.
From the original Kenneth Reitz project.
httpbin.org — the original httpbin